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Basil Seeds, Bush Spicy Globe

Ocimum basilicum
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Product Information Chevron Down Chevron Forward

This delightful bush basil doubles as an edible, ornamental herb. Tiny leaves scent the garden day and night with spicy fragrance. Use leaves in cooking just like other basil varieties.

  • SKU: 142195
Growing Information Chevron Down Chevron Forward
Grow best in
Best In:
Full Sun
Days to germination
Days to
7 to 14 days
Water needs
Average 2.5-5 cm (1-2") per week
Days to maturity
Days to
75 days
Best container size
Container Size:
Growing height
Growing Height:
30 cm (12")
Key Features Chevron Down Chevron Forward
  • Plant Type: Herb
  • Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum
  • Plant Lifecycle: Annual
  • Seed Type: Open Pollinated
  • Water Needs: Average 2.5-5 cm (1-2") per week
  • Flavor: Savory with a hint of pepper and mint
  • Companion Planting: Plant near peppers, tomatoes
  • Preparation Ideas: Use in pasta dishes or tomato-based sauces.
Instructions Chevron Down Chevron Forward
Plant direct or start indoors 6 to 8 weeks before last frost. Start seeds anytime for indoor use.
    Growing Instructions:

    Basil seed can be sown directly into the garden once all danger of frost has passed or start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost.

    Planting preparation

    • Choose a site that has good drainage and receives a minimum of 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight every day. The best way to ensure successful seed germination is to use well-cultivated, loose soil that is evenly moist. Soil that remains wet can lead to damp roots, which may eventually rot. In the case of rocky soil, it is advisable to till and remove the rocks as they can hinder root development and result in weaker plants.

    Sowing seed directly into the garden

    • Sow Basil seed after all danger of frost has passed.
    • It is best to wait until your outdoor temperature warms up in early summer as Basil dislikes cold, damp conditions.
    • Sow the seeds according to directions on the back of the seed packet.
    • It is important to keep the soil consistently damp until seeds have germinated. Use a hose nozzle or watering can with a fine-spray setting, which will create a gentle mist without washing away the soil. It is recommended to water the soil daily, ensuring that the surface never becomes dry and remains consistently moist.
    • It can take 7-14 days for Basil seeds to germinate.

    Sowing seed indoors

    • Sow seed indoors 6-8 weeks prior to last frost.
    • Follow the planting directions on the back of the seed packet.
    • A seedling heat mat is a tool that supplies a steady heat to the bottom of a plant or young seedling while it is being cultivated indoors. Its purpose is to facilitate the process of germination and encourage the development of roots by maintaining an ideal temperature for growth and sprouting.
    • Prevent leggy plants by growing seedlings under an indoor grow light.
    • Monitor the moisture level of the soil on a daily basis to ensure that it remains adequately moist. It is crucial to prevent the planting medium from drying out or sitting in water as this can result in damping off disease, a rapid fungal infection that can be fatal for young plants. To minimize the risk of damping off disease, it is recommended to water the containers from beneath so water is soaked up. Ensure proper air circulation once the seedlings have emerged with the use of a fan.
    • Prepare seedlings to be transplanted outdoors by hardening off. For more information about hardening off, click here.
    • Once seedlings have been hardened off, they are ready to transplant outdoors.

    Transplanting seedlings outdoors

    • Transplant Basil plants after all danger of frost has passed.
    • Prepare your garden by loosening the soil and removing any rocks and weed roots. Incorporate compost into the soil to enhance its fertility.
    • Plant on a cloudy day to avoid exposing your seedlings to intense sunlight, as it can cause stress.
    • Assess the moisture levels of your garden soil. It should be adequately moist but not excessively wet.
    • Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball of the plant and gently loosen the roots before placing it in the hole. This will promote the growth of strong roots.
    • Position the plant in the hole at a depth similar to its previous pot, ensuring that its roots are covered with soil. Firmly but gently pack down the soil.
    • Consider applying mulch around the seedlings to conserve moisture and prevent weeds.
    • Regularly monitor your plants and ensure that the soil remains moist while they establish themselves in their new environment.
    • If planting seedlings into containers, use a good quality potting mix/soil. Do not use garden soil in containers as it is too dense resulting in poor drainage and aeration.
  • Planting Depth: 3 mm (1/8")
  • Seed Spacing: 1.3 cm (1/2")
  • Plant Spacing: 30 cm (12")
  • Row Spacing: 30 cm (12")

  • Instructions for Nutrient Care: Feed plants SUPERthrive once per week. Mix 1.2 ml (1/4 tsp) per 4L (1 gallon) of water in a watering can and apply solution to the base of the plants.
Suggestions Chevron Down Chevron Forward
Growing Suggestions:
  • Basil seeds can be started at anytime for indoor use.
  • To encourage your basil plant to grow full and bushy, simply pinch off the leaves from the top once it has developed two sets of true leaves.
  • In order to prevent the plant from producing seeds and developing a bitter taste, remove the flowering stems by pinching them off about 2.5 cm (1") below the flower.
  • Basil does not have a specific harvesting time. Typically, you can simply pick a few leaves whenever you require them. However, regular harvesting will ensure that your basil plant remains compact and avoids becoming too tall and thin. It will also prevent the plant from producing seeds.
  • Plants grow best in a light, loamy, well draining soil high in organic matter. Healthy garden soil produces robust plants that are more resistant to pests and disease. Organic material plays a vital role in enhancing soil quality. It has the ability to improve the drainage of heavy clay soil, making it easier to dig and less compact. Additionally, it aids in binding sandy soil together, promoting better moisture retention and nutrient availability. Before planting, it is recommended to incorporate a few inches of compost or well-rotted manure to improve fertility and drainage. Loosen the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm (6-8") before planting. After loosening the soil, mix in 5-10 cm (2-4") of well-rotted manure, or compost. If large quantities of compost or manure are not readily available, consider purchasing alternatives from retail centers. These options include Peat Moss, Composted Sheep or Cattle Manure, Top Soil, and Compost.

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