How To Grow Radish

How To Grow Menu | Radish Varieties

When to Plant

Directly seed into rich well-drained soil as soon as the ground can be worked in the spring. Repeat every 10 days except during hot weather.


Best when planted in a rich, moist, well-drained soil in full sun.

Planting & Growing Information

Sow seeds 13 mm (1/2″) deep and 13 mm (1/2″) apart. Plants should be spaced/thinned to approximately 5 cm (2″) apart with rows spaced 30 cm (12″) apart.

Seeds germinate in approximately 4-7 days.

Days to Maturity

From date directly sown in garden.

Other Information

Radishes can be sown with slower growing vegetables like carrots and onions to help mark the rows. They grow quickly and can be harvested before they create much competition for the other vegetables

Radishes prefer cooler weather so successive sowings up until early summer will give a steady supply of nice crisp radishes.

Radishes need to be kept well watered so that they grow well and taste great. If they have periods of drought they will become hot and woody.

Better to plant smaller amounts and continue to sow at 1-2 week intervals until mid-July to enjoy smaller yet usable harvests.

Plants under stress from hot temperatures or other environmental extremes will cause the radish to bolt to seed. You can tell when a plant has bolted because it will send out long shoots topped by flowers that will eventually contain seeds.

Harvesting & Storage

Begin harvesting radishes once large enough to eat.

Once radishes are full size be sure to harvest the entire crop to be washed and stored in the refrigerator where they can be used up until the next sowing is ready to harvest.

Radishes washed and stored inside plastic bags in the crisper of the refrigerator will stay in good shape for a few weeks.

Companion Planting

Likes: Beans, Carrots, Cucumber, Lettuce, Melons, Peas, Squash, Kohlrabi