Introducing our Organic Bean Seeds, Golden Wax Bush. Also known as Top Notch, Golden Wax is one of the most popular wax beans!
Features very high yields on compact, bushy plants. This variety produces string-free, 15-18 cm (6-7") long beans with a mild buttery flavor. For a sensational treat, top this rust-resistant variety with butter or margarine if preferred.
Beans are a warm season crop and seeds should be sown directly into the garden when the soil is warm and all danger of frost is past. Optimum soil temperature (not air temperature) should be 15-29°C (59-84°F) for seeds to germinate. Planting at a lower temperature will delay germination. Space seeds and plant to the depth indicated below. Press seeds into the soil to ensure good contact and cover with 1.3 cm (1/2") of soil. After planting, water the seeds with a gentle mist or shower. It is critical to keep the soil consistently moist, but not soggy during germination. When your seedlings reach a height of a few centimetres (inches) and have developed 2 or 3 pairs of leaves, it is important to thin them out, according to the plant spacing indicated below. Do not allow the soil to become dry, as young plants have underdeveloped roots and can quickly dehydrate, particularly in windy conditions.
Click here to read more information on planning and planting a garden.
Planting Depth: 2.5 cm (1")
Seed Spacing: Sow beans seeds roughly 10 cm (4") apart in rows, keeping rows approximately 60cm (24") apart.
Plant Spacing: 15 cm (6")
Instructions for Nutrient Care:
Feed plants SUPERthrive once per week. Mix 1.2 ml (1/4 tsp) per 4L (1 gallon) of water in a watering can and apply solution to the base of the plants.
Growing Suggestions:
Bean seeds can be succession planted every 2 to 3 weeks until mid-July for a continuous supply of fresh beans.
For best taste, harvest pods when they are the thickness of a pencil.
Keep picking regularly to ensure continuous production.
Too many beans maturing at one time? Try sowing 1/2 or 1/3 of a row one or two weeks apart to extend the harvesting of fresh flavorful beans.
Avoid working among plants while the foliage is damp or wet as this can encourage and spread fungal and bacterial diseases such as powdery mildew, blight, rust, etc.
When weeding, hoe gently because beans are shallow-rooted. Mulch plants only after thinning.
Avoid fertilizing with nitrogen, which results in a surplus of foliage and low, delayed pod growth.