Lake Ontario offers stunning Dahlia Tubers known for their vibrant colours and diverse flower shapes.
Dahlia Lake Ontario looks great in any garden setting, with its long-lasting blooms and sturdy stems. Dahlia's are great for cut flowers due to their sturdy stems and large blooms.
For Spring Planting and Summer Colour!
Bulb Size: 1
SKU: 141942
Common Name: Dahlia
Botanical Name: Dahlia spp.
Growing Information
Good For Pollinators
Grows Best In:
Full sun
Water Needs:
Average 2.5-5 cm (1-2") per week
Growing Height:
99 cm (39")
Key Features
Plant Type: Flower
Plant Lifecycle: Annual
Characteristics: Cut flower | Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds
Color: Yellow
Water Needs: Average 2.5-5 cm (1-2") per week
Harvest/Bloom Season: Summer to frost
Landscape Use: Bedding
Growing Instructions:
Dahlias are shipped as tubers and should be planted immediately upon arrival.
Dahlias require at least 8 hours of full sun to thrive and bloom abundantly.
Dahlias are cold-sensitive and should not be planted until after all danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed to 15°C (60°F).
For dahlias to thrive and bloom abundantly, they should be planted in a location that receives 8 hours of direct sun in fertile, well-draining soil that is rich in organic material. Avoid low lying areas that can get water logged as this can lead to tuberl rot.
To improve soil structure and fertility, you can amend the soil prior to planting with 5-10 cm (4-6") of well-rotted manure or compost and a light application of bone meal.
Dig a hole 10-15 cm (4-6") deep and place the tuber on its side, horizontally, with the growing eye facing up. Once in place, refill the hole with soil. The top of the tuber, where the sprout emerges, should be positioned no more than 2.5-5 cm (1-2”) below the soil surface when the hole is filled in. Fill in around the tuber, firmly pressing down the soil so it is even with the surrounding ground. Make sure there are no air pockets in the soil.
Dahlias can become large and should be spaced 30-45 cm (12-18") apart.
Do not water until dahlia shoots emerge through the ground. If you water before shoots are visible, this can lead to tuber rot.
Water needs: 2.5 cm (1") of water per week during growth. More may be required if the weather is hot and you are experiencing drought-like conditions.
**Not ready to plant? If you are not able to plant the tuber(s) upon arrival, open the package and check if the peat moss, or other packing material is moist. If it is barely damp, or dry, add a little room temperature water and close the package and place in a cool (not freezing), dark location. If longer than a few days, remove the root(s) and plant in a container with moistened potting mix and place in a cool (not freezing), dark location. Storing the tubers for an extended period of time will reduce their viability.
Planting Depth: 5 - 8 cm (2-3")
Plant Spacing: 20 cm (8")
Instructions for Nutrient Care:
Feed plants SUPERthrive once per week. Mix 1.2 ml (1/4 tsp) per 4L (1 gallon) of water in a watering can and apply solution to the base of the plants.
Growing Suggestions:
To get a jump start to the flowering season, you can plant the tubers in pots indoors 4-6 weeks before transplanting into the garden.
Heavy clay soils can be amended with well rotted manure or compost to lighten and loosen the soil texture for better drainage.
Avoid using mulch. Dahlias prefer sun on their roots and mulch can harbor slugs.
A common mistake when growing dahlias is to over water tubers you have just planted. Too much water at this early stage can lead to tuber rot.
When the plants are 30 cm (12") tall, give them a hard pinch by snipping above the 2nd or 3rd set of leaves. This provides a stockier plant, encourages low branching, and stimulates more stems and flowers.
To prevent disease, keep the foliage of dahlias as dry as possible. Water deeply once or twice a week, allowing the 2.5 cm (1") top of soil to dry out in between waterings. Generally, if the soil is moist 2.5 cm (1") deep, there is no need to water.
It is important to remove faded (wilted) blooms to encourage new buds. Spent dahlia blooms should be cut off with sharp garden scissors just above the point where the flower stem intersects with a leaf. The more you cut a dahlia, the more it will bloom.
Dahlias will last about 5 to 7 days once cut.
If you are planting dahlias in containers, make sure there is good drainage.
Do not use bone meal if you have animals as they will be attracted to it.