Bright yellow, daisy-like flowers bear a dark center. This spectacular variety adds bright, longlasting color to any perennial flower bed and combines nicely with Phlox, Bee Balm or tall ornamental grasses. Ideal for bouquets.
Tolerance: heat tolerant|drought tolerant|tolerant to all soil types
Growing Instructions:
Start Goldstrum seeds indoors 10-12 weeks before the last frost in your area. Follow the seed depth and spacing guidelines indicated below. Once all danger of frost has passed, seedlings should be hardened off before planting into their growing location. Seedlings should be transplanted according to the plant spacing directions below. Pick a location sheltered from the wind and receives at least 6 hours of sun per day. Regularly monitor your plants and ensure that the soil remains moist, but not soggy while they establish themselves in their new environment.
Click here to read more information on planning and planting a garden.
Planting Depth: 3 mm (1/8")
Seed Spacing: 15 cm (6")
Instructions for Nutrient Care: Feed plants SUPERthrive once per week. Mix 1.2 ml (1/4 tsp) per 4L (1 gallon) of water in a watering can and apply solution to the base of the plants.
Plant Spread: 45-60 cm (1.5-2')
Growing Suggestions:
Goldstrum prefers well-draining soil that is kept moist, yet not overly wet. They prefer the soil to dry out in between waterings. Water at the base of the plant, rather than overhead.
Plant in masses for a wildflower meadow effect.
Harvest Goldstrum flowers for indoor arrangements when they are open. Click here to learn more about harvesting flowers.