Big Beef tomatoes produce heavy yields of large "beefy" fruit. The tomatoes have a rich flavor, good uniformity, and are very disease resistant. They are very easy to enjoy!
Companion Planting: Plant near asparagus, basil, calendula, dill, garlic, nasturtiums, onions, parsley, thyme. Calendula serves as a deterrent for common garden pests. Asparagus acts as a repellent for nematodes. Basil is effective in repelling whiteflies, mosquitoes, spider mites, and aphids. Additionally, basil attracts bees, which enhances pollination, improves the health of tomatoes, and enhances their flavor. Dill creates an environment that makes it challenging for cutworms to lay their eggs and also supports parasitic wasps that prey on pest caterpillars. Lastly, thyme reduces the egg-laying activity of armyworms.
Flavor: Delicious, traditional tomato flavor
Preparation Ideas: Giant sized fruits are perfect for toasted tomato sandwiches. Add mayo for extra flavor.
Start tomato seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost in your area. Follow the seed depth and spacing guidelines indicated below. Once all danger of frost has passed, seedlings should be hardened off before planting in their growing location. Seedlings should be transplanted according to the plant and row spacing directions below. Transplant seedlings into the garden once the soil temperature has reached 15°C (60°F). Pick a location sheltered from the wind. Regularly monitor your plants and ensure that the soil remains moist , but not soggy while they establish themselves in their new environment.
Click here to read more information on planning and planting a garden.
Planting Depth: 6 mm (1/4")
Plant Spacing: 60-90 cm (24-36")
Instructions for Nutrient Care:
Feed plants SUPERthrive once per week. Mix 1.2 ml (1/4 tsp) per 4L (1 gallon) of water in a watering can and apply solution to the base of the plants.
Growing Suggestions:
*Big Beef is an indeterminate tomato meaning staking is required.
Tomato plants need alot of water to produce big, juicy, flavorful tomatoes! Consistent moisture is essential for best results. If tomatoes do not receive consistent moisture, the skins will split or possibly develop blossom end rot. Always water plants at the oil level; this strengthens the root system and avoids foliage disease.
Spread mulch around the base of the plant to prevent soil from splashing onto the fruit as this can lead to disease in the tomatoes.
*As your tomato plants grow, you will notice new small stems sprouting from the point where the main stem connects to the larger branches. These small stems are called "suckers" and they tend to drain a lot of energy from your plant. To help your tomato plants grow faster and produce amazing tomatoes, it is recommended you remove these suckers by pinching them off with your thumb and forefinger. By doing so, your tomato plant will be able to allocate more energy to the growth of the main stem, resulting in better tomato production.
If you plant your seedlings deeply, it will encourage the growth of roots from the main stem. Sometimes, tomato plants tend to grow tall and may fall over, even in their initial stages. To avoid this, plant them just deep enough so that the bottom set of leaves is 2.5-5 cm (1-2") above the soil surface. Some gardeners prefer planting their tomatoes on their sides, which helps to spread the root system over a larger area, strengthen the main stem, and straighten it toward the sun.